Friday, May 13, 2011

What do we do when tech fails?

Technology has done so much to improve our lives.  There are so many things that have become easier and more available to us in this age because of the internet and the tools we have at our disposal.  So what happens when that technology fails us?

I imagine that I have been as frustrated as most because of blogger's downtime the last day or two.  When you get used to having easy access to a technology it can almost be a tragedy when that access is temporarily cut off.  Of course, having blogger turned off for a few days really doesn't qualify as a tragedy by any stretch of the imagination, but what happens when other tech fails?

It was just a week or so ago that Amazon's access to their online storage was out of service.  This means that people couldn't get their movies and music that they have purchased and left on the cloud.  The cloud is touted as the end all be all of portable media and information but I have always had my doubts.  I can store my things on the cloud and wont have to worry about losing my information if my hard drive fails, but if my movies are in the cloud, what do I do when I'm in a place that has no connectivity?  Furthermore, what if my hard drive or other device fails? How will I access my information?  The cloud is a great resource for us to have but I think that I will always want my hard copy of books, movies, and other types of information and data simply because a book with paper pages will always be accessible.

I'm not saying I don't support the use of the cloud.  I'm just thinking out loud about the inconvenience of having our information and entertainment exclusively in digital formats.

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