Thursday, May 5, 2011

Crowdsourcing: The 21st Century Business Model

I got my copy of Jeff Howe's book Crowdsourcing yesterday.  I've been leafing through it and have found it to be a very interesting read.  This isn't a book that I would probably pick up on my own, but I am, nevertheless, fascinated by the concepts and what this means for the future.  I want to read a bit more before I talk to you about it, but in the meantime, here is a YouTube video of Jeff Howe telling us just what crowdsourcing is.


  1. Crowd-sourcing is such an interesting concept for those in an online community. I had never really given much thought about the communities that we are developing online and how that affects us. There really is so much that can be accomplished because of the internet and those communities which would not have been possible before.

  2. yeah, It's amazing. People complain that social networking and video games and other online activities are destroying people's ability to connect, but I think that argument is quickly breaking down. Saying that online association is nothing like the real thing isn't quite correct. Physical contact is still important but online communities have a lot to offer. It will be interesting to see how we begin to take advantage of them more and more.
